Our Services

Discover Qiano Bioscience's comprehensive range of services designed to revolutionize your agricultural practices. From custom fertilizer programs and specialty blend formulas to tolling services utilizing our state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment, we offer tailor-made solutions to enhance crop yield, nutrient potency, and overall plant health.


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"We applied at 100mL per acre and we had exceptional canola yields"

We were unable to get the liquid sulphur fertilizer we needed this spring, we were very concerned with sulphur deficiencies in our canola.   We applied the new liquid sulphur product this spring on all of our InVigor and RR canola by mixing it with our in crop herbicide applications.  We saw no sulphur deficiencies in any of our canola, even after the heavy rains.  We applied at 100mL per acre and we had exceptional canola yields.  We plan on using this product again in our sulphur fertility strategy.

Colin Hudson
Battle Bend Acres
"In one canola test the sulfur level increased from sufficient to very high"

We used the new Nano liquid sulfur product on thousands of acres of canola and wheat, we applied the sulfur at 65mL per acre.  We conducted tissue samples of the new leaves a few days after application and we saw the sulfur increase in the plants in every test.  In one canola test the sulfur level increased from sufficient to very high.  We are very excited to use this new product in the future as it fits very well into our sulfur fertility needs, is easy to use and produces an amazing ROI.

Patrick Hawkins
Canadian Farmer
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